Barre to Bells
Learn how to transition from 3 lb weights to kettlebells
without fear of hurting yourself or getting bulky.
Sound like you?
→ You want to look toned, and worry about certain exercises bulking you up. You never go higher than 3lb weights.
→ You’re a VIP at the Barre studio and just achieved recognition for your 100th class, but still struggle to do a real bodyweight pushup.
→ You skirt around the gym floor, and beeline to the safety of the yoga + pilates studio. You have no idea what you would even do out there and don’t want to look silly.
→ Your low back is always a little sore from carrying your chunky-thighed toddler around, even though you can hold a 2-minute plank.
→ You like to feel a burn. To know that you exercised “enough.” But sometimes you end up too sore to get up from the couch, let alone workout again.
→ You try and cobble together free workouts from Youtube, but don’t really feel satisfied or like you’re progressing.
→ You’ve seen some cool instagram videos of kettlebell flows, but worry it would definitely throw out your back.
→ Between dropping off for soccer practice and making tonight’s lasagna, there’s barely any time to squeeze in a workout.
That’s me.
I’m ready to make a change.
(not sure yet? keep reading!)
What if…
❖ You stopped working out to get skinny, and started training to get strong.
❖ You felt confident enough to walk onto the gym floor (or your basement), grab a kettlebell, and execute foundational movement patterns without hesitation.
❖ Your workouts became shorter and more efficient, and you had more time in your day to read a book (or, let’s be realistic, do a load of laundry or play another round of Candyland).
❖ You could scoop up your kid without worrying about inevitable back spasms.
❖ You stopped trying to lower the number on the scale, and started trying to increase the number on your weights.
❖ You’re engaged and … dare I say? … excited to train, instead of counting down the minutes on the elliptical.
OK. Yes. Now I’m convinced.
Let’s do this.
Still not sure it’s the right fit?
Let’s dive deeper…
Enter - Barre to Bells
So, what can happen if I join Barre to Bells?
I’m so glad you asked!
I hope you will…
✓ Feel empowered to own your movement + fitness regimen - whether at home or in the gym.
✓ Start training for longevity and health, rather than trying to “slim down” or fit a cultural ideal.
✓ Know exactly what to do each week — no more questioning HOW to exercise.
✓ Free up more time for the things you love - Sunday brunch with friends or a rare solo trip for a manicure - with efficient training sessions under 45 minutes.
✓ Create a strong body that you feel confident in — and can also handle whatever life throws your way (like a kid running at you full speed).
✓ Feel GOOD after training, instead of sore, crushed, or defeated.
✓ Master basic movement patterns that translate to all forms of exercise + life activities.
Say no more.
Take me to the kettlebells!
So, what’s it going to cost me?
That’s less than $20 per session!
PLUS weekly office hour calls + lifetime access to all course materials.
What people are saying
about Barre to Bells…
+ Do I need to be skilled in kettlebells?
Nope! Definitely not! Barre to Bells is perfect for you if you've never touched a kettlebell before. It will teach you how to start incorporating heavier weights into your workouts without any fuss or fear!
+ I'm already into heavier weights - is Barre to Bells for me?
Yep! Whether you're new to strength training or already comfortable with heavier weights, Barre to Bells is an effective training program that will help you improve foundational movement patterns (push/pull/hinge/squat/carry/anti-rotation), solidify your kettlebell technique and feel better in your body.
+ What equipment do I need?
Ideally, 1-2 kettlebells. But dumbbells could work too. I'd suggest 1 weight you can easily press overhead for 5 repetitions (typically 6-12kg) + something a bit heavier for lower body (10-16kg). Feel free to contact me if you have specific questions!
+ How long is the Barre to Bells program?
The program runs for 12 weeks, with 3 sessions per week. The first 8 weeks are pre-recorded follow-along videos. The final 4 weeks you'll receive detailed programming for you to complete on your own, with accompanying demo videos + explanations.
+ When can I access the course materials? I'm ready to go!
Once you purchase, you'll be able to immediately access the course by logging into your account. You'll be able to view all introductory information, as well as the first week's sessions. After that, each week will unlock your new sessions.
+ What if I have questions on my technique? Is there any way to get feedback or help?
Yes! Office Hours will be held live on Zoom every week. During these 30 minute sessions you can share allll your questions/comments/feedback/thoughts. Office Hour days/times will rotate in hopes that you'll be able to find a time that works for you.
+ Did I miss something?
Have a question I didn't address here? Shoot me an email and we'll chat!