Are you (over)thinking your way OUT of fitness?

One of my biggest struggles has always been my tendency to overthink.

Like, WAY overthink.

And as a result - I don’t act, and things don’t get accomplished.

In short, I get in my own way...

I can’t figure out where to hang the framed art, so it lingers in the closet, un-hung,…for years…

I can’t figure out how to “perfectly” arrange my den/office/playroom, so it remains an anxiety-producing-mess…

For many women I talk to, there’s a similar block around movement + fitness.

We’re inundated by a million new workout trends + apps + fancy equipment and we don’t know where to START.

The thought of committing to 60 minute workout sessions feels intimidating + overwhelming, so instead we do 0 minutes.

In other words, we get in our own way.

We keep waiting for a “perfect” solution or a “perfect” time to begin…
And that doesn’t arrive.
So we stay stuck.

(With the art un-hung, and the den still messy, and no movement sessions on the calendar.)

I was talking about all this with my therapist the other day.
And she talked about how THINKING about something isn’t enough.
That you have to “BEHAVE your way out of it.”

You have to create opportunities to build the muscle.
To build the routine.

In other words — the key is to ACT.

I need to just hang the dang art.
And if it ends up being in a spot I don’t like?
Then I’ll move it.

I have to re-arrange the den. Move furniture around.
If it doesn’t quite work?
I’ll re-configure.

You need to start moving your body more regularly.
And if you don’t have 45 minutes every day?
Aim for 20.
Aim for 5.
Some > None.

Something is better than nothing.

So build the muscle.
Hang the art.
Move for 10 minutes.

Let the momentum of your ACTIONS carry you forward.
Don't let your overthinking hold you back.

So - I'll be over here forcing myself to create an imperfect gallery wall.

And I'm cheering YOU on to create an imperfect (but perfect for NOW) movement routine.

It can be short + sweet.
It can be in your cat-hair-covered living room while in your PJs.
It can be for 15 minutes, a few times a week.

If you're looking to create a realisitic, sustainable movement habit but not sure where to start, take a peak at my Movement Snack REFRESH program.

15 minute pre-recorded video sessions.
3x a week.
4 weeks.

This is a program that you CAN complete, even on the busiest of days.

And once you've completed all 12 sessions?
You'll let the momentum of your actions carry you forward...


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