You need to release the Before-Times

You need to release your old fitness routine.

Whatever you did before ... when you were more active / younger / didn't have kids / had more time ...
let it go.

And instead, let's create a realistic, I’m-actually-gonna-do-this movement practice.
One that will help you get stronger, feel better, and reclaim your health.

And to do that, you have to release the Before-Times……

Let your old fitness routine go.
Embrace the season that you’re in.
Embrace a new fitness routine that’s suited to your current reality.
Movement = health.
Get stronger xo

The long version....

The Before-Times:

I teach classes 10 classes a week at Equinox gyms around NJ + NYC.

After teaching, 4-5 days a week, I head to the main workout floor of the gym.

Bright lights.
Thumping bass.
People grunting + sweating + high on endorphins.
Energy vibrating around the room.
Equipment of all sizes + weights at my fingertips.

I check that day’s kettlebell program from my coaches.

I start my session, training with kettlebells on the main floor, riding that energy.
The sole focus = moving well + getting stronger.

The Today-Times:

Drag myself into the living room.

Clear Pokemon cards + cat toys off the rug.

Push aside prominent dustballs / hairballs.
(Make mental note to vacuum.)

Look at today’s program.
(Note: today’s program is actually a program from last week, b/c I am 3 workouts behind….)

Decide to start a load of laundry.

Return to the living room and start warming up.

Cats start rubbing their tails in my face, seeking attention.
Try and drug them with catnip so they stay out of my way.
(It does not work.)

Start the first series of movements.
Husband comes down from his office (the attic) and we chat.

I resume training...

My current routine looks NOT AT ALL like my old routine.

However, despite the lack of glamour….
despite the distractions…
I have still vastly improved in terms of my kettlebell skills + overall strength.

I’ve trained this way — 100% at home — since March 2020. #pandemic

My equipment has consisted of 5-7 kettlebells + a pull up bar.

I am constantly interrupted.

I am distracted.

Often the background soundtrack is of a child whining about who-knows-what.

Sometimes a cat is almost concussed by a swinging kettlebell.

And - let me be clear - I STRUGGLE to stay consistent.

There are just too many other things fighting for my attention.

So many other things on the to do list.


My mental health nosedives when I skip too many days of training.

My physical health plummets when I skip too many days of training.

So, I always come back.

But it’s not always easy.

And it doesn’t always feel thrilling.

But it’s a foundation that I’m unwilling to sacrifice.

Because I know the alternative doesn't yield good things for me -- now or in the long run.

So, let your old routine go.

The Before-Times are not the Today-Times.

And you can still get stronger

+ feel better

+ reclaim your health

…in your messy living room with kids in the background making it rain Pokemon cards.

Sending hugs!
xo - Kathryn


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